
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hello 2014

Before the month gets well on the way, I'd like to wish one and all a very Happy New Year! Hope your 2014 is off to a good start! My good start is about being surrounded by family and friends with good food and fun baking projects in the pipeline.

Writing this made me look back on the entry at the beginning of 2013 where I had a list...think I did well in the last year. Of course I could have done more, but hey, you got to take a moment to savour the cupcakes right?

So what's in store for 2014?

1) Revamp my blog (about time methinks)
2) Take up fine art classes (the hubby says I'm making art, not cake anymore)
3) Experiment on more variety of bakes (pies, tarts and bars anyone?)
4) Contemplate a business

Ok, so let's see what becomes of the next 12 months. Very daunting when you think of how quickly time flies. Talking of which, I'm about to hit my 100th blog post! I've got something special planned for the milestone, so please do watch this space.

Have a great new year ahead!

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