
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thank God for Little Girls

My little niece got baptised last weekend. God bless the little cutie. One of the things her mummy (my sister) got excited about was the party that we'd have after the baptism. Any excuse for beers, wine and finger foods on a Sunday! And of course reason for a cake.

My family is my biggest fan :) They love my rainbow cake and don't seem to tire of it at any occasion that calls for a cake. This time round, my sister wanted a two-tier cake with alternating layers of pastel pink and green. I'm so glad she has a daughter... Baby C is my excuse for making sweet-looking cakes and party deco that's unabashedly pink!

So what's the deco norm for baptism cakes? There's typical ones featuring the cross, simple ones that denote the date of baptism and it's usually clean and classic designs, but there's really no convention.

So here's what Baby C got...

Pastel ballons floating skywards

Happy Baptism Clare

It was also my sister's birthday so this called for a two-tier cake!

Happy Birthday Sis

As usual, I didn't take a pic of the cut cake but the balloons matched the layers inside. This cake is also the first time I tried a buttermilk recipe. It's a wonderfully moist cake that's springy and full of flavour. It's my favourite recipe now, so if you order a rainbow cake from now on, you'll get the buttermilk recipe cake ; )

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