
Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello 2013

Happy New Year everyone!

The start of 2013 sets a new reality for me...
1. I won't be going back to work
2. I will bake more
3. I will start running again
4. I may make Jakarta my second home

That's a lot to accomplish in 12 months. But I am looking forward to come what may.

So what's in store in the kitchen for 2013?
Already I've made 3 rainbow cakes with more to come so I have a good feeling it's a year where I'll be making lots of rainbows. Lovely. And hopefully, I'll find my pot of gold at the end of it all ; )

Also, I hope to move beyond baking. I have a favourite roast chicken recipe from Thomas Keller that's a real winner. A friend first taught me the tricks to the Bouchon roaster, which is now my party mainstay. I'm also on track to learn more Cantonese soups for the hubby, who comes home over weekends from Jakarta.

In 2013, I'm looking to three ladies who inspire me in the kitchen - Ina, Nigella and Martha. I will be trying out a few of their recipes and putting a spin of my own. Who knows, I may start a new blog for this. Stay tuned!

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