
Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's BATTER @ Home

My sister was having a tea party this weekend at her place and she was hoping to serve up some freshly baked chocolate cupcakes for her guests. Short of having her own personal baker (yours truly) at the party, the next best thing was to have a ready batter where she could stick it in the oven half an hour before serving it!

Since I could not be there, I whipped up a portion of moist chocolate cake batter and provided her the cupcake tray with cupcake liners. All she needed to do was fill the cups (two-thirds full) and stick them in the oven at 175 degrees for 20 minutes and there you have it... freshly baked chocolate cupcakes that make Betty Crocker look like hard work!

She was so pleased with how it all turned out and her friends loved the cupcakes served piping hot with ice cream. She felt like almost a baker.

This gave us a brilliant idea especially for those of you who have ovens at home and always wanted to bake something yummy in it – bring batter home for the freshest baked goodies. I can prepare your cake batter packed into a convenient container, provide you with basic necessities like cupcake liners, disposable pans, temperature instructions, etc and all you have to do is bake it yourself at home.

* Just one caveat, I'm aware that the chemical reaction in leavening takes place once the ingredients are mixed and therefore should be baked soon after. The batter should be used within a few hours. Having said that, my sister stuck some batter in the fridge and baked it the next day. Result: still as good :) 

One portion of chocolate cake batter

Ready to go

My dear sister has very kindly documented her baking step by step... if she can do it, err, anyone can (sorry sis) ;p

Step 1: Fill your cupcake tray, pop it into preheated oven (175 degrees) set for 20 minutes.

Fresh cupcakes in 20 minutes

Step 2: While the cupcakes bake, chat to your guests till they smell the warm sweet wafts of baked chocolate 

Nicely done

Step 3: Serve your guests and wow them with your presentation

Chocolate cupcake with Vanilla ice cream

Let me know if you're interested to do this, I'll be more than happy to prepare the batter for home parties and I can supply everything you'll need to do this at home.

It's batter at home!

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