
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Little Irish

For the longest time in my family, my niece Laura is the only girl grandchild - my brother also has two boys, and I've followed suit with 2 boys myself. So you can imagine the elation after 16 years, we are finally blessed with another little girl. My sister delivered a gorgeous bub this month and we are totally enamoured with her.

A month ago while we were eagerly awaiting her arrival, I was really hoping she'd make an appearance by 3rd September as I wanted to make sure I would be able to bake her full month cakes (I'd be away from 2nd Oct and would be very sad to miss the opportunity to bake for her).

Baby C came to us on 3rd September and this Aunty almost immediately started planning her cakes with her Mama.

So what sort of cakes do you get when you're part Irish, part Cantonese. Well, there's definitely going to be green shamrocks, Guinness (if Papa has his way) and rich dark chocolate cake (if Mama has her way). Well, that's exactly what she got... A Guinness-looking chocolate cake with a green shamrock topping!

Varlhona Choc Cupcake with Fluffy Frosting

Two weeks leading up to Baby C's full month, her Mama and I were busy making little fondant shamrocks. I tried my darnest to look for a shamrock cutter but no one stocks it in Singapore! So we improvised with a mini flower cutter and shaped it into a shamrock and we did this 170 times! Talk about labour of love... ok still nothing compares to childbirth labour of course ;p

Mama's intricate hand work

Lucky many times over with this many shamrocks

Looks amazing in a box!

And individually packaged too

Happy 1st Month Baby Clare!

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